Neftex® Predictions: More than Joining the Dots
Embracing Uncertainty for Optimizing Reservoir Development Decisions: The Unified Ensemble Modeling Revolution
Halliburton Landmark Decisionspace® Geosciences Selected as Equinor’s Standard Subsurface Data Interpretation Tool
Repsol Accelerates Digital Journey with Halliburton Landmark to Automate and Streamline Its Well Design Process
Petrobras Accelerates Digital Transformation With Halliburton's iEnergy® Cloud
Searching for Copper in the Age of Energy Transition
Plausible Petroleum System Elements Prediction Using Integrated Paleo Earth Systems and Stratigraphic Forward Models
Fulfil the Mineral Demands for the Energy Transition
Deep Learning Seismic Inversion: A Data Driven Approach
Designing Good Reservoir Models: Guiding Thoughts for Production and Storage Projects
Innovations in 3D Hybrid Stratigraphic Modelling: From Exploration and Field Development to Resource Management
Earth Models: Pretty Pictures or Decision-Making Tools?
Intelligent Subsurface Characterization with the DecisionSpace® 365 Geosciences Suite
Geoanalytical Transformations: A Journey Through Geoscience Analytics
Using Sequence Stratigraphy to Resolve Depositional Misconceptions on the Arabian Plate – The Example of the Gotnia Basin Creation and Infill
From Deep-Time to the Future: Discussing the Development of Next-Generation Plate Models with Examples from the South Atlantic