
Accelerated innovation cycles

Create, build, and deploy intelligent and scalable solutions to harness the full potential of digital.

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projects worldwide

The SmartDigital® Experience

Create: A dedicated team of experts and data scientists work with in-house teams to promote creative, out-of-the-box thinking.

Build: Agile product development and project management brings digital solutions to life and helps rapidly realize value.

Adopt: Landmark expertise is on hand to help deploy the solution and educate and support users on how to extract maximum value and return on investment.

Halliburton and Aker BP: Transforming Well Planning & Design

Accelerating well design with Aker BP

Halliburton and Aker BP: Transforming Well Planning & Design

Customer Testimonial

“By collaborating and co-innovating with Halliburton, Aker BP successfully re-imagined a more agile, efficient, and collaborative well planning. Efficiency in our work is higher, the quality has increased and …..reduced risks and uncertainties.”


- Tommy Sigmundstad, SVP Drilling & Wells, Aker BP


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