
Precise placement of the pad, target, and well path

Well positioning is critical to maximize production and injection efficiency. Knowing the precise location of wells relative to each other is essential for safe operations and well intersections. To determine the well position magnetic and gyroscopic surveys, magnetic ranging and survey management deliver faster, more reliable analysis and results.

Magnetic Ranging Services

Aurora™ surface-access magnetic ranging service

Aurora™ surface-access magnetic ranging service

The Aurora™ surface-access magnetic ranging service provides accurate well placement in SAGD applications without downhole intervention.

WellSpot™ active magnetic-ranging system

WellSpot™ active magnetic-ranging system

WellSpot™ active magnetic-ranging systems use precise sensors to provide data for multiple drilling applications.


Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) Surveying Solutions

GyroStar™ gyro-while-drilling service

GyroStar™ gyro-while-drilling service

The GyroStar™ gyro-while-drilling service places wells more accurately with faster surveys and precise measurements.

GuideStar™ service

GuideStar™ service

The GuideStar™ service provides continuous definitive survey measurements using high-resolution sampling for precise wellbore placement.


Ready to take the next step?

Talk with a Halliburton well positioning expert

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