
Definitive-grade survey measurements in real time

The GuideStar continuous definitive survey measurement from Halliburton uses high-resolution sampling for accurate wellbore placement. As part of the iStar® intelligent drilling and logging platform, it processes the measurements from the BaseStar® service and provides definitive-grade surveys to optimize wellbore placement, enhance well delivery, and improve wellbore quality.

GuideStar Service

Optimize wellbore placement

The service enhances TVD placement accuracy with survey measurements taken at a high sampling rate while drilling. The density of the recorded samples allows for a wellbore correction up to every foot.

Learn about the GuideStar™ Service

Precise wellbore placement through continuous, high-resolution survey measurements.

Learn about the GuideStar™ Service

Enhance well delivery

The constant, high-resolution data sampling increases understanding of the centerline wellbore placement through precise true vertical depth (TVD) positioning. This helps operators hit geologic targets, maximize reservoir contact, and reduce survey time through pumps-off survey acquisition. The service also enables proactive, real-time steering decisions to avoid reducing rate of penetration (ROP) when landing a well or at critical wellbore intervals.

Improve wellbore quality

The GuideStar service improves positional certainty to increase drilling efficiency. The high sampling rates enable more accurate micro-dogleg calculations, which help operators optimize real-time drilling decisions and minimize tortuosity throughout the wellbore. This results in better borehole quality and smoother casing runs.

GuideStar service
GuideStar service

GuideStar service

Pumps-off survey acquisition for reduced survey time


  • Optimizes TVD placement with high-resolution surveys while drilling
  • Increases survey sampling
  • Reduces survey time
  • Reduces tortuosity
  • Enables easy monitoring and understanding of dogleg severity
  • Reduces positional uncertainty of the wellbore
  • Improves BHA performance and operational efficiency
  • Extends life of electric submersible pumps


  • Definitive-grade surveys with real-time continuous inclination and azimuth measurements with QA/QC
  • Real-time high-resolution survey sampling rate
  • Recorded data processed with multiple samples per foot
  • Automated TVD calculations
  • Pumps-off surveys
  • Easily controlled remotely or at the rigsite

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