
Mature fields

Specific Challenge

Flow issues can be present that lead to delays, increasing costs, and risk

REGION - North America REGION - North America


REGION - North America


  • When conducting abandonment, flow issues can be present that lead to substantial delays, increasing costs and risks to the operation


  • Combining tool outputs, a complete pre-abandonment diagnosis of the well is carried out


  • Halliburton diagnostic analysis offer solutions that will meet expectations


When conducting abandonment, flow issues can be present that lead to substantial delays, increasing costs and risks to the operation. To meet licensing standards allowing the well to be safely abandoned, a prediagnostic analysis will be required. Halliburton Integrated Abandonment Solutions offers complete well diagnostics through its cased-hole portfolio. Combining tool outputs, a complete pre-abandonment diagnosis of the well is carried out. This gives the abandonment team time to plan the corrective action for the problematic area requiring attention, as well as combat a well control issue that may have arisen without this preservice.


When conducting abandonment, flow issues can be present that lead to substantial delays, increasing costs and risks to the operation


The Acoustic Conformance Xaminer® (ACX™) tool is an array of sensors that identifies annuli flow complete with the radial distance from the tool to pinpoint areas of concern.

  • The Reservoir Monitoring Tool (RMT™) technology is a pulsed-neutron tool with a very unique detector that offers a high-definition log. 
  • The Circumferential Acoustic Scanning Tool (CASTTM) technology is an ultrasonic cement evaluation tool that provides 90 to 180 data points at every lateral for a very definitive and accurate cement picture.
  • The Electromagnetic Pipe Xaminer (EPX™) tool uses pulsed EM wave decay to determine quantitative metal loss in up to four concentric casing strings and qualitatively detect corrosion in a fifth casing with no influences from well fluids or other environmental conditions


Halliburton diagnostic analysis offer solutions that will meet expectations. Through the dialogue between our Technical Advisors and the client, a solid solution plan is formed for executing corrective work.

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Acoustic Conformance Xaminer® formation evaluation service

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Reservoir Monitor Tool 3-Detector™ (RMT-3D)

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Electromagnetic Pipe Xaminer® V (EPX™ V) Tool

Electromagnetic Pipe Xaminer® V (EPX™ V) Tool

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