
Isolation assurance against fluid migration plus multiple-stage cementing support

Reliable and effective annular barriers are critical to well management for safety and performance. When sustained casing pressure (SCP) occurs, it is an indication that well integrity has been compromised, often resulting from a failed barrier. SCP can lead to a loss of production and costly remediation.

The Obex IsoLock® casing packer collar, which is part of the Halliburton Obex® family of compression-set packers, provides a mechanical barrier that bridges the cost and capability gap between an inflatable casing packer/cementer and a premium gas-tight casing packer and cementer run in tandem. By integrating a casing packer and cementer into a single assembly, the Obex IsoLock casing packer collar can prevent well integrity issues, even after the second cement stage is complete. Built upon our gas-tight Obex GasLock® V0-rated design, the Obex IsoLock casing packer collar provides increased reliability and ISO 14310 V3-rated pressure holding capacity over inflatable casing packer options. 

Hydromechanical setting method for exceptional reliability

Like all packers in the Obex family, the Obex IsoLock casing packer collar is mechanically set and not inflated. Using an internal ratchet mechanism to lock the compression element after it is set, results in zero weak points in the packoff, which can thereby mitigate sustained casing pressure.

Isolation assurance: Obex IsoLock Casing Packer Collar

Isolation assurance: Obex IsoLock Casing Packer Collar

PSI bidirectional packer rating


Cement flow


BPM flow rate through cementing ports


Reduction in drillable material

Engineered for performance

  • Hydromechanical setting method
    An internal ratchet mechanism locks the compression element every 0.060” of set, resulting in zero weak points in the packoff, which can thereby mitigate sustained casing pressure. Because the casing packer is mechanically set and not inflated, it can exceed casing burst and collapse ratings, offering increased dependability.
  • Drive-pin setting system 
    Internal casing pressure acting on a plug seat transfers the setting load to the casing packer elements rather than relying on narrow hydraulic channels that can pack off in high density fluids. The drive-pin setting system eliminates potential leak paths from the setting operation. This feature removes the risk of premature rupture disc failure, often affected by losses in the well, which would traditionally prevent the casing packer from fully setting.
  • Superior sealing
    Propped packer elements are compressed between backup shoes and a unique spacer. These elements remain energized by the internal ratchet mechanism to deliver an effective seal for the life of the well, offering improved reliability over inflatable and expandable alternatives that can deflate over time.
  • Improved drillability
    The compact design of the integrated stage cementer and casing annulus packer allows for two lower-profile seats and 70% fewer internal components compared to traditional stage tool design, which results in simplified drillouts and reduced debris volume.

Explore our family of compression-set packers

Obex GasLock® casing annulus packer

Obex GasLock® casing annulus packer

The Obex GasLock® casing annulus packer provides a high-pressure, gas-tight, casing-to-casing seal to mitigate annular gas migration.

Obex IsoLock® casing packer collar

Obex IsoLock® casing packer collar

The Obex IsoLock® packer collar provides V3-rated mechanical barrier support plus integral second-stage cementing capability.

Obex EcoLock® casing annulus packer

Obex EcoLock® casing annulus packer

The Obex EcoLock® casing annulus packer provides mechanical barrier support to prevent low pressure gas or fluid migration.


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