Combine advanced analytics with aritifical intelligence and machine learning to simulate, optimize, and continuously improve your drilling fluids program
Talk to an expertHalliburton delivers advanced hydraulic software, surface measurement automation, and predictive analytics to drive data-informed decision making. Our vast drilling fluids dataset helps operators get "ahead of the bit" to make strategic decisions that reduce NPT and push the technical limits for drilling.
Business Intelligence Software
HindSight 20/20 is our analytics system supporting continuous improvement in well construction. This decision-making platform delivers intelligent well design by digitally enabling our technology and processes.
Explore HindSight 20/20Smarter drilling
DFG is a proprietary software package used to engineer the fluids program and align optimal properties to the operator’s drilling plan.
Explore DFGReal-Time Service
BaraLogix real-time service reduces invisible lost time and NPT through advanced hydraulic software, surface measurement automation, and predictive analytics, leading to informed decision making.
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