
Deep Water

Specific Challenge

Sand-producing field with significant underlying aquifer





  •  Sand-producing field with significant underlying aquifer 
  • Facilities not designed for high-water-content processing


  •  OHGP with EquiFlow® AICDs and oil/water tracers
  • Modified gravel pack placement to reduce treating pressures


  • Hydrocarbon production and deferred water production exceeded expectations
  • Tracer data demonstrated completion effectiveness in terms of reduced water and an enhanced, even inflow profile


Located in ultra-deepwater offshore Brazil, a post-salt heavy oil field development presented sand control and potential water production challenges. As part of the initial development plan, the project operator completed the first two wells with openhole gravel packs (OHGPs), but produced water remained a concern.

After discussing the available options, Halliburton and the operator agreed to complete the third well with OHGP and EquiFlow® autonomous inflow control device (AICD) technology to defer and reduce water risk, as well as equalize the inflow of hydrocarbon recovery along the completion. Oil and water tracers installed in the lower completion provided data over a 2 1/2-year period, which proved the AICD effectively balanced hydrocarbon inflow across all zones and significantly offset and reduced water production from the middle and heel sections of the well.


The reservoir is situated above a significant aquifer and is heterogeneous, particularly in the middle and heel sections. Water breakthrough and increasing water cut led to uneven oil recovery and impaired production from the first two OHGP wells. To minimize water production issues in the third well, the operator decided to incorporate AICD technology, which necessitated a new gravel packing strategy to ensure effective placement and efficiency.


Halliburton and the operator evaluated the available options, and after due diligence and consideration, decided AICDs would yield the greatest benefit. Single and multiphase testing conducted at field conditions verified operational efficiency. Halliburton also performed several reservoir and gravel pumping simulations and determined that a modified gravel placement technique with an optimized AICD completion and sacrificial screen assembly provided a reliable solution to overcome the excessive increase in equivalent circulating densities (ECDs). Low-density proppant placement using a multi-wave alpha technique induced returns through the sacrificial screen assembly to provide successful sand control. Tracers included in the assembly provided data to evaluate AICD performance and viability.


global AICD tech in ultra-deep water

2+ yrs

tracer monitoring shows balanced flow and reduced water


Collaboration throughout the planning and execution phases led to this first global application of AICD technology in the ultra-deepwater environment. The OHGP completion with AICDs helped improve oil recovery and reduce water production to maximize asset value. Tracer analysis results clearly demonstrated balanced oil recovery with contribution from all zones. In addition, incorporating AICDs helped offset and curtail water production from the heel and middle section compared to previous OHGP completions without AICDs.

EquiFlow AICDS
EquiFlow AICDS

EquiFlow AICDs

Increase hydrocarbon reserves and rate of recovery

Horizontal wellbores provide access to narrow, oil-bearing formations for maximum contact with pay zones.

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