The Jack/St Malo development, which includes the Walker Ridge Regional host facility, in the deepwater U.S. Gulf of Mexico is a key part of Chevron's plan to boost its global production. Along the way, the project has safely extended the industry's deepwater capability well beyond what it was when the St. Malo field was discovered in 2003, and the Jack field the following year.
Chevron and Halliburton engineers joined forces in 2007 to develop a new single-trip, multi-zone system that could stimulate multiple zones in one operation.
The OSTMZ is designed with bidirectional flow paths and frac sleeves that create a unique frac-pack system with functions for sand control and service tools..
Halliburton has developed a 15,000 psi XSTMZ system to complete wells deep and ultra-deep water projects extreme conditions.
The ESTMZ system enables isolation, fracture stimulation and treatment of multiple production zones in one trip.