Real-time, high-density data transfer from any wellsite location
Automated solutions for efficient and safe surface well testing operations
Accurate set of well testing data achieved without disruption and benchmark created
Drive reliability and efficiency in well construction through automation
Automation solutions reduce well delivery time
Remote controlled, autonomous offshore cementing for operational efficiency.
Making digital automation a reality across frac operations
Powering a new era in hydraulic fracturing
Monitoring solution for continuous data of the subsurface
Design and monitoring expertise to digitally transform ESP performance
Manage specialty chemical programs through real-time performance reporting
Decisive insight for optimal well intervention and integrity
Safely plug wells and help prevent carbon emissions
Drill Tech® and RTTS® enable wellbore cleanout test in single trip
Integrated approach for wellbore cleanup and displacement
Advanced digital applications to enable critical engineering and operations insights
Real-time monitoring, modeling, and drilling performance analysis
Subscription service solution for ultimate well control
Enterprise scale deployment of tried and tested E&P software
Providing unparalleled decision-making capabilities under uncertainty while drilling
Deploy, integrate, and manage sophisticated E&P cloud applications
Real time well insights
Clariti® View, a new eCompletion’s integrated service offering real-time well insights
Real-time reservoir pressure and temperature monitoring, with quick access to data insights.
Decoding the reservoir is innovative sensor, telemetry, and intelligent completion systems with advanced data analytics and sophisticated algorithms.
Real-time optimization for SmartWell® intelligent completion systems
Ready to take the next step?