
Deep Water

Specific Challenge

Fragile formation that requires high torque and compressive load tool systems

Region-Norway Region-Norway

Norwegian continental shelf



  • Narrow drilling window that requires MPD operations and tool systems that can operate within variances of both equivalent mud weight (EMW) and pressure
  • Elevated potential for differential sticking, which requires tool systems with both high compressive and tensile load ratings
  • Tortuous wellbore trajectory that requires excessive HWDP to activate a conventional liner top packer


The XtremeGrip® LECD ELH system: 

  • Offers a highly reduced OD to increase flow by area to lower ECD and decrease surge effects on formation
  • Provides rotational capabilities with high torque ratings in conjunction with high tensile and compressive-load capabilities, when run with matting tool
  • Provides a hydraulically energized 360° seal on set and does not require HWDP to set, when run with matting tool


  • Depth reached in fragile wellbore with ZERO issues 
  • Successful installation with ZERO downtime
  • After successful cement operation using Halliburton ancillary cement accessories, the XtremeGrip® LECD ELH was hydraulically set and a liner top seal was achieved without HWDP


A major operator encountered challenging conditions during wellbore construction in the reservoir landing section of a notoriously unforgiving well in the Norwegian continental shelf. A history of wellbore instability attributed to creeping shale led to contingency operations. The slim casing design and tubular were of the utmost importance. Lessons learned from previous attempts were referenced during the third sidetrack to ensure the section was successfully isolated with zero nonproductive time (NPT).

Increased tool capabilities, reduced OD geometry, and the hydraulic setting method of the XtremeGrip® Low-ECD (LECD) expandable liner hanger (ELH) system allowed the string to reach the planned depth. The liner was cemented in place, the liner hanger was successfully expanded, and the running tool was released with increased efficiency during the installation of the well barrier.


The extended-reach, highly deviated, openhole section presented an extremely narrow drilling window that required managed pressure drilling (MPD) operations because of fragile wellbore stability. Previous attempts by another contractor to drill and complete the section resulted in hole collapse and a stuck liner.

Expectations of tight spots attributed to shale required a robust system capable of high torque ratings, along with high tensile and compressive ratings in the event of differential sticking. Losses were highly likely during liner deployment in the fragile wellbore due to increased equivalent circulating densities (ECDs). While running in hole (RIH) with the liner hanger system, high flow rates for washing down would most likely result in total losses. Upon reaching section TD, the tortuous well path would require excessive heavy weight drill pipe (HWDP) to set a conventional liner hanger packer, potentially causing rig issues due to limited rack capacity and additional time needed for pipe management.


Halliburton sourced the XtremeGrip LECD ELH system with an increased bypass flow area to reduce the surge effect on the formation while RIH and increase the probability of a successful cement operation attributed to ECD reduction. The XtremeGrip LECD ELH system is a hydraulically set liner hanger with no requirement for weight to be transferred to the liner top for successful setting and limited compressive force necessary to release the running tool, which negates the requirement for excessive HWDP. 

The liner was successfully run to the section depth using the high rotation and torque capabilities of the system for the final 150 m to break friction through the  formation tight spots (up to 15 rev/min and 25 kNm torque). The rugged metal-to-metal element design of the XtremeGrip® LECD ELH system allowed for rotation without circulation to prevent total losses and ensure the liner hanger would seal post-expansion. The Halliburton integrated solution (i.e., darts, plugs, and casing equipment) ensured the cement operation, liner hanger expansion, and release of the running tool were executed without issue.


Downtime during successful installation


Issues and depth reached in fragile wellbore


Despite challenging well conditions, Halliburton delivered the planned liner hanger installation with zero downtime. The XtremeGrip LECD ELH system allowed successful deployment and expansion of the liner hanger while maintaining the integrity of the fragile wellbore. With the problem formation isolated, the remaining well construction could be completed.

This was Halliburton’s pilot installation for this operating company, a key strategic operator in Norway, that has historically used conventional liner hangers during well construction. Section depth was reached without affecting wellbore integrity and gas-tight isolation was achieved with the hydraulic set liner hanger system, which prevented further NPT and unnecessary costs.

Halliburton delivers the XtremeGrip LECD ELH system as a successful alternative in numerous wells for this operator based on the success of this installation.

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