
Public cloud adoption helps provide excellent benefits like faster time to market, reduction in the total cost of ownership, and ease of access anywhere, anytime. However, some oil and gas companies cannot leverage these benefits for varied reasons, such as conforming to regulatory requirements like data sovereignty, non-availability of public cloud service providers in their region, and the need for low latency.

Consider the following:
In the 2019 Enterprise Cloud Index1, more than 60 percent of respondents said that the state of digital security measures determines the cloud deployment model for their enterprise. Also, data security and compliance represented the most significant parameters in determining the variable for the environment in which an enterprise runs a given workload.

A Forrester Consulting Thought Leadership paper commissioned by IBM2 mentions that 85 percent of respondents agree that on-premises infrastructure is an important part of their organization's hybrid cloud strategy.

Hence, organizations need a hybrid cloud strategy while determining the cloud deployment model for their enterprises to conform to the data residency rules, have utmost security over data, and overcome internet connectivity issues. If you are an oil and gas company wondering how to set up your private cloud for data security while also having the ability to connect to the public cloud, we have got you covered.

iEnergy® Stack - A Secure and Reliable Private Cloud Solution From Landmark

iEnergy® Stack, Halliburton Landmark’s private cloud solution, helps E&P companies easily migrate from traditional data centres to private clouds. It is a proven and successful solution with 20+ complex deployments worldwide, including Asia, Latin America, Sub Saharan Africa, and the Middle East. Our private cloud solution is offered as managed services with onsite support and can run 80+ petrotechnical applications from Halliburton and other third-party software vendors. It also supports hundreds of concurrent users and handles more than 1 PB of data.

Let’s learn more about iEnergy Stack, a solution trusted by customers worldwide since 2015.

iEnergy Stack combines the hyper-converged infrastructure comprising pre-configured and pre-optimized hardware, Landmark's E&P Blueprint designed for Exploration and Production workflows, and the ability to provide automated updates in real-time. iEnergy Stack powers DecisionSpace® 365 cloud applications on-premises, bringing the complete and innovative power of E&P cloud applications to your data center. As part of a dedicated E&P hybrid cloud, iEnergy Stack provides all the benefits of iEnergy on a public cloud in a secure, fully managed private cloud environment.

Key Benefits and Features

Reduced IT Infrastructure Complexity
iEnergy Stack is pre-configured and pre-optimized to run DecisionSpace® 365 Software. This can help reduce your IT infrastructure complexity, bringing down the total cost of ownership by up to 50 percent and accelerate time to value (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Rapid deployment and automated updates

E&P Blueprint

The E&P blueprint is a set of patterns and guidelines that provides IT infrastructure prerequisites, integration guidelines to third party software, VM sizing, and specifications. The blueprint has been prepared based on years of Landmark’s domain expertise and rigorous testing. It also provides the best practices for E&P software to run optimized 2D and 3D software applications.

Deployment Models
iEnergy Stack offers two deployment models, and the customer has a choice to choose either one based on their business needs:

  • Full Managed Offering: Organizations willing to leverage the agility and nimbleness of cloud on-premises can leverage the iEnergy Stack with outbound internet connectivity to access source code, installers and security operations. Landmark will provide complete management on all solution layers (Infrastructure, Application, Security, Monitoring and Patching), leveraging the Global DevSecOps team.
  • Restricted management: For some businesses, due to heavy security constraints, the iEnergy Stack unit can be deployed on customer's premises without an outbound internet connectivity. This deployment model will require manual ingestion of patches, images and artifacts. The solution will adapt to the customer's security framework.

Figure 2: Benefits of iEnergy® Stack

iEnergy Stack provides you with complete control over your data while also complying with regulatory requirements like data residency rules. iEnergy Stack protects your data by federating with your company's active directory, enabling multi-factor authentication, and ensuring that only authorized users gain access.

Open Architecture
iEnergy Stack is an open system; it easily accommodates applications from other E&P companies and vendors and lets you connect to your existing infrastructure and investments. The DecisionSpace® 365 cloud applications hosted on iEnergy Stack are OSDU™ compliant.

With iEnergy Stack offering the ability to connect from a central or remote location, users can collaborate across teams, geographies, and data centers more efficiently to make faster decisions.

Continuous Integration & Deployment
We believe that security should be a part of the entire development and operations lifecycle and have hence, created the Global DevSecOps team to have security as the backbone while designing, building, and deploying our services. The CI/CD-based approach helps deploy applications and perform an upgrade of existing software seamlessly.

Single Point Support
With iEnergy Stack, a single support call can solve the problem no matter where the issue resides. In addition, support teams access the same systems that clients use, making it easier to replicate user problems. With teams sitting across geographies, support is available 24x7, 365 days of the year.

Data Management
iEnergy Stack lets you have all your data at one central location that you control. The additional protection offered by iEnergy Stack has helped several National Oil Companies host their National Data Repositories to promote investments and maintain easy access to quality data.

Figure 3: Integrate workflows by connecting your cloud and on-premise assets so they work in harmony

Host Cloud-native E&P Applications

iEnergy Stack also allows you to run cloud-native applications like Digital Well Program®, a DecisionSpace® 365 cloud application, and provides the ability to modernize applications with Kubernetes. iEnergy Stack enables your organization to leverage the microservices architecture to help decouple applications. Containerization helps rapidly scale E&P applications, especially in a hybrid cloud environment, with each container hosting an application. The use of Kubernetes to orchestrate the containers can simplify cloud operations and increases software delivery speed. With its subsurface, well construction, production, and information management cloud applications, DecisionSpace® 365 Software as a Service covers the entire lifecycle of a well.

With its subsurface, well construction, production, and information management cloud applications, DecisionSpace® 365 Software as a Service covers the entire lifecycle of a well.

Figure 4: Work seamlessly with private and public cloud

Flexible Payment Option

iEnergy Stack can be purchased by a customer (CAPEX) or owned by Landmark and be provided as a service (OPEX), thereby offering flexible payment options to customers (subject to credit review).

Superior Performance and Reduced Cost of Ownership

Based on rigorous testing of 2D and 3D workflows, iEnergy Stack can deliver up to five times the performance of traditional high-end desktop workstations found in typical client/server deployments. It also can provide up to 50 percent reduction in the total cost of ownership while also proving up to 80 percent faster deployment time than the conventional client-server infrastructure.

While Frost and Sullivan speaks about how COVID-19 is accelerating cloud adoption in the oil and gas industry, the early adopters of iEnergy Hybrid Cloud faced minimal disruption during the pandemic.






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