
Modular versatility for enhanced reservoir monitoring

The Halliburton DataSphere permanent monitoring suite encompasses downhole pressure, temperature, and flow sensors, plus gauge, array, and wireless through-wellbore systems. Modular and customizable for each well, these technologies yield superior performance and enhanced reservoir monitoring capabilities, helping you maximize production.

With real-time data at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions to increase hydrocarbon recovery for the life of the well and maximize asset value, every step of the way.

Hart Energy

What’s your formation trying to tell you?

Halliburton was recently interviewed by Hart Energy regarding our DataSphere® array monitoring system and how it’s changing the way we collect real-time data about wellbore conditions, ultimately enabling operators to make strategic decisions and ensure compliance in CO2 storage wells.

Read the article

Intelligent completion products

SmartWell® Intelligent Completion Systems

SmartWell® Intelligent Completion Systems

Collect, transmit, and analyze downhole data, and remotely control and monitor reservoir zones with Halliburton SmartWell® completion systems.

eMotion® Remotely Operated Downhole Valves

eMotion® Remotely Operated Downhole Valves

Halliburton eMotion valves provide interventionless remote control of hydraulically actuated completion equipment, eliminating multiple wireline runs.

Downhole wet-mate connectors

Downhole wet-mate connectors

The Fuzion® suite of wet-mate connectors facilitates removal of the upper completion from the lower completion without using destructive intervention methods.

Flow Controls

Flow Controls

Halliburton intelligent flow control systems provide a method of integrating manual or automated surface control systems with downhole SmartWell® completion equipment.

Model of DataSphere LinX monitoring system
Communicate through the casing wirelessly, monitor well integrity and formation pressure with the DataSphere LinX monitoring system.

Oilfield Technology / April 2019

It’s all about the reservoir

Engineered solutions for smarter completions


North America

Your eyes to the reservoir

DataSphere ERD XHT gauge provides reliable real-time data in high-temperature conditions. 


Efficiency in form and function

The DataSphere Array system, small and powerful. A customizable system giving you not just a lot of data but the right data.

Efficiency in form and function

A complete portfolio 

The DataSphere permanent monitoring suite seamlessly integrates real-time downhole data conveyed through our advanced surface systems, while also remotely transmitting wellbore data in real-time.

The DataSphere suite includes: 

  • DataSphere® Array System
    Reliable, permanent, multi-point reservoir monitoring system that provides pressure and temperature sensing in single- and multi-zone land and subsea applications
  • DataSphere® LinX® Monitoring System
    Wireless through-wellbore technology, enables placement of permanent pressure/ temperature gauges behind the casing/liner in cement. Uses electromagnetic power to communicate with sensors, removing the need for batteries
  • DataSphere® FloStream™ Venturi Flowmeter
    Based on the Venturi principle, the FloStream flowmeter is designed specifically to meet the requirements of the well in relation to material selection and expected flow rates

  • Piezo Permanent Downhole Gauges
    Provides reliable and economical downhole pressure, temperature and vibration measurements for optimized reservoir and production management.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Talk with a Halliburton completion expert

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