
Enhanced wellbore placement 

Accurate wellbore placement is crucial in drilling operations, and magnetic field measurements play a significant role in the process. However, various factors can influence these measurements, leading to potential errors. To address these challenges, several advanced magnetic survey services have been developed.


In-Field Referencing Service (IFR1)

Geology near the wellbore significantly affects the measured magnetic field, potentially causing errors in wellbore placement. IFR1 corrects these magnetic effects by using magnetic survey around the wellsite.  Data collected via airborne, land, or ship-based surveys, enhances wellbore positioning by accounting for crustal gradients and improving correction algorithms for drillstring magnetic interference.

Interpolated In-Field Referencing (IFR2)

IFR2 reduces uncertainty in magnetic survey tool measurements by correcting for secular, crustal, and diurnal/dynamic variations. This service enhances standard magnetic survey measurements by accounting for geomagnetic field variations at the borehole location. IFR2 improves wellbore position certainty and reduces ellipses of uncertainty, facilitating closer well drilling.

Geomagnetic main field modeling

Geomagnetic main field modeling utilizes data from satellites and magnetic observatories to estimate changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. These models aid well planners in computing magnetic reference values at any point, ensuring precise wellbore placement.

Database management service

Database management audits a customer’s well database to verify wellbore surveys and locations using historical records and data from state or federal agencies. This ensures the database aligns with official records, enhancing future well planning and drilling operations. Services include data review, security measures, standardization, and training. Customers benefit from increased database integrity, reduced nonproductive time, and optimized well planning, ultimately leading to more efficient and safer drilling operations.

Related services

GuideStar™ service

GuideStar™ service

The GuideStar™ service provides continuous definitive survey measurements using high-resolution sampling for precise wellbore placement.


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