Experience a steady-state numerical simulator that helps provide user-friendly comprehensive modeling for even the most complex wells
talk to an expertTrusted by E&P industry for over decades, the NETool® software is widely used for wells with inflow control devices (ICDs), inflow control valves (ICVs), multilaterals, long reservoir contacts, multiple zones, or thin pay intervals. Models can be calibrated with real-time data, effectively creating a digital twin of the well.
Understand and analyze flow in the entire well - from the sandface to the wellhead - with a unified well modeling solution.
Collaborate across completion, production and reservoir teams by integrating data in a single model.
Experience a robust well completion design solution that lets you model existing completions in up to 4 concentric strings.
Modeling fluid flow through complex completions often is beyond traditional reservoir simulation and nodal capabilities, as it should combine an accurate reservoir inflow with a highly detailed wellbore model. As completion complexity grows, the need to model flow through the tool string grows as well.