
Deep Water

Specific Challenge

New field development in remote location using specific material and preparation

Region - West Africa Region - West Africa

Woodside Senegal

Region - West Africa


New field development in remote location

  • Specific equipment type, material and preparation requirements
  • Extensive logistic and customs clearance process


Engage product service line (PSL), region and support function to ensure flawless execution

  • Early involvement of Halliburton technology, manufacturing, logistic and product management
  • Highly competent team hired for design, tool preparation and field execution


SNP-20 well successfully completed with zero lost time incidents (LTI), non-productive time (NPT), health, safety, and environment (HSE) and service quality (SQ) issues

  • First shunt screen Installation in Senegal helped ensure 100% pack efficiency
  • Fluid loss isolation barrier valve remotely opened successfully


Sangomar Phase 1 is a standalone 23-well subsea development designed to exploit oil volumes from the Rufisque, Sangomar and Sangomar Deep Offshore (RSSD) Production Sharing Contract (PSC) area, approximately 90 km offshore Senegal.

The development consists of 11 gas lifted oil production wells, two gas injector wells and ten water injector wells, which will be drilled and completed over a period of approximately three years with first spud in July 2021.

SNP-20 is the first well to be completed in this country new to oilfield operations both from a local administrative and operations point of view, resulting in numerous challenges to overcome to successfully deliver this well.


This new field development presented several challenges:

  • Products customization engineering, manufacturing and testing requirement to meet customer expectations.
  • Deliver in country and complete completion assemblies for delivery at wellsite in accordance with customer preventive maintenance inspection and test program.
  • First deepwater completion installation in country in the first well of a 23-well campaign.
  • Deploy a reliable, robust sand face completion and ensure successful gravel-pack placement while yielding savings to the operator.
  • Operating in a new base facility in a challenging environment


Halliburton collaborated with the operator to define objectives and develop a strategy to help ensure safe, successful operations:

  • Involve Completion Tools (HCT) core segments — product management, technology and manufacturing — during planning, development and execution to help ensure customized products meet or exceed customer requirements.
  • Abide by Service Quality Minimums:
    • Collaborate with customer to develop a detailed design of service capturing the job execution plan
    • Follow control points to provide assurance that the job purpose is achieved
    • Assign competent personnel to tasks
    • Determine the root cause of any issues while correcting them
  • Utilize the following Halliburton products:
    • STGP&T™ single-trip gravel pack and treatment system to hydraulically set a gravel-pack packer, perform gravel-pack operations, and treat the formation down the washpipe in a single trip.
    • FS2 fluid loss isolation barrier valves to isolate reservoirs after gravel-pack operations.
    • PetroGuard® Openhole Shunt system as an alternative to conventional gravel-pack screens to ensure gravel packing of any voids created by unplanned wellbore issues and ensure completion success.

pack efficiency for shunt activation

10 rig

crew safety recognitions


for first deepwater project in Senegal


Integrating field-proven technology from the HCT, Production Enhancement and Baroid PSLs, Halliburton successfully delivered the sand face solution, with zero NPT, HSE or SQ issues, meeting the customer objectives and maximizing asset value.

  • Successfully installed more than 2,460 feet (750 meters) of 5-inch PetroGuard® Openhole Shunt system, enabling operator to achieve significant time savings.
  • Shunt activation helped ensure 100 percent pack efficiency.
  • Gravel-pack tool successfully converted for formation treatment. FS2 isolation barrier valve successfully closed and tested, ensuring reservoir isolation before running the upper completion.
  • FS2 fluid loss device remotely opened successfully, with a total of 10 cycles as planned
  • High safety focus — 10 rig crew safety recognitions
  • Successful operation in a new location in a challenging environment
PetroGuard openhole shunt system
PetroGuard openhole shunt system

PetroGuard® Openhole Shunt System

Enhance long-interval gravel packs with an improved shunt system

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FS2 Fluid Loss Isolation Barrier Valve

Reliable, economical fluid control and barrier technology

When the success of your completion project relies on effective flow control and wellbore barriers, the Halliburton FS2 isolation barrier valve provides a reliable, interventionless solution

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FS2 fluid loss isolation barrier valve
FS2 fluid loss isolation barrier valve

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Sand control

Sand control

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FS2 fluid loss isolation barrier valve

FS2 fluid loss isolation barrier valve

The FS2 fluid loss isolation barrier valve is a reliable, interventionless solution for fluid loss control during well completion operations.


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