
Permit advanced data analysis and quality control for waveform amplitude, slowness, and arrival time in both openhole and cased-hole applications

The BSAT service integrates two monopole transmitters with an array of five piezoelectric receivers. The full waveform data is digitally recorded permitting advanced data analysis and quality control for waveform amplitude, slowness, and arrival time in both open hole and cased hole applications

12 ft

Shorter than other logging tools


Slowness used for sonic porosity determination

3-5 ft

CBL-VDL measurement


  •  Waveforms can be recorded at high logging speeds 
  • The P-wave slowness is obtained using a robust waveform cross-correlation semblance process 
  • Downhole digitization helps eliminate the transmission noise and improve signal-to-noise ratio 
  • Compression technique allows a high uplink data-transfer rate ratio 
  • Can be used as CBL tool in combination with any LOGIQ® cased-hole service


  • P-wave slowness used for sonic porosity determination
  • Time-to-depth correlation 
  • Synthetic seismograms Identification of pore-pressure changes 
  • 3 to 5-ft CBL-VDL measurement 
  • Instantaneous waveform attributes

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