
The system removes the annular gap between the screen and open hole to provide long-term effective sand control

An openhole wellbore is often the architecture of choice for completing a sandstone reservoir as it can provide low skin values to help achieve maximum flow performance of the reservoir. It is also typically associated with deviated and horizontal trajectories tapping into narrow hydrocarbon-bearing formations to achieve maximum contact within the pay zones. 

Endurance Hydraulic Screen® delivers a new level of sand control completion with full reservoir compliance and positive wellbore support while providing unprecedented installation simplicity, flexibility and life of well reliability


  • Positive compliant sand control 
  • Effective wellbore support
  • Solid and pre-drilled basepipe geometry 
  • EquiFlow® ICDs/AICDs compatible 
  • SmartWell® system capable


  • Single-trip installation with record time savings
  • Rapid, safe and reliable activation method for wellbore compliance 
  • Positive wellbore support for life of well 
  • Inner strength to support much higher geo-mechanical loads than conventional expandable and chemically-activated screens
  • Reservoir management with full

Endurance Hydraulic Screen® - a compliant screen

Delivering a new level of sand control completion, providing reservoir compliance through positive wellbore support

Endurance Hydraulic Screen® - a compliant screen

Hydraulic screen technology

Endurance Hydraulic Screen removes the annular gap between the screen and open hole, providing a positive compliant sand control solution. Hydraulic activation pressure radially extends the screens to conform to the borehole geometry in a fast, safe and reliable manner. This unique and proven technology brings major operational efficiencies using a single-trip installation process, standard tubular basepipe in both solid and pre-drilled basepipe versions provide rapid screen activation against the wellbore. It also significantly reduces operational challenges and risks typically associated with traditional methods such as mechanically expanded screens, and gravel-packing operations.

Life of the well performance

Activated with surface applied pressure, hydraulic Screens can be set simultaneously in a single trip, providing positive wellbore support for the life of the well. Maintaining active wellbore contact helps reduce deformation of the near wellbore and associated stress regime, preventing the mobilization of problematic sands, preventing screen plugging, and removing erosion concerns to provide long-term performance and reliability. The inner strength of the system is derived from the basepipe platform. Qualification testing has proven that the Endurance Hydraulic Screen can provide mechanical collapse strength beyond API basepipe ratings with the hydraulic collapse values exceeding 5,000 psi as per ISO-17824. This helps dramatically increase the capability of supporting high depletion and geo-mechanical loading scenarios during the life of well

Increased reservoir performance

With the simplicity of the Endurance Hydraulic Screen architecture, other technologies can be combined to increase, enhance and add longevity to reservoir performance. Compartmentalization of the open hole can easily be accommodated in order to provide zonal isolation and/or reservoir management for both producer and injector wells, oil or gas. EquiFlow® ICDs/AICDs can be easily integrated to increase hydrocarbon production through the deferral/ reduction of unwanted fluid production, while real-time control can be accommodated with SmartWell® system technology incorporated within the basepipe of Endurance Hydraulic Screen. All of these solutions can also be deployed through multilaterals for enhanced reservoir contact, including FlexRite® multilateral junctions.

Screen technology complete portfolio

Sand control screen technology

Sand control screen technology

Whatever your challenge, Halliburton experts stand ready with solutions using the most effective, reliable, value-added sand control screens technology in the business


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