Supplier Collaboration Portal
There is no cost to Suppliers to use HSN. There is also no special software or equipment needed – just a standard computer with a standard internet connection. Halliburton provides HSN as a facility to streamline interaction with suppliers and provides all of the support for its use.
HSN is not designed for the procurement of services; it is designed for the procurement of materials. For suppliers of materials, especially those who provide to Halliburton Manufacturing locations or have a need for a means of interaction which extends beyond PO’s and invoices, HSN is a good solution.
HSN Onboarding
Suppliers will go through an on-boarding process which takes about four weeks. During this timeframe, suppliers will receive user-specific passwords, training and access to the required HSN applications. Once on-boarded, all paper transactions should stop and all future interaction between Halliburton and the Supplier will be electronic.
Note, due to country specific tax and regulatory requirements, it is not always possible to enable electronic invoicing.
Suppliers interested in working on HSN should communicate this interest to their Halliburton Procurement contacts.
For additional information on HSN, please refer to our Supplier Guide.
Supplier Portal
HSN is a supplier collaboration portal which permits collaboration between Halliburton and suppliers.