
Optimized well monitoring and operations reporting

Well Operations Monitor is a DecisionSpace® 365 cloud application that provides a virtual window to your rig site and helps optimize your well monitoring and operations reporting with automated processes for safe, efficient, and cost-effective outcomes.

digital well operations

A virtual window to your rig site

Connect your entire delivery team for secure access to your well operations from anywhere in the world.

digital well operations

Automated for success

Optimize  your well operations with automated reporting and agile resource management for efficient, and cost-effective outcomes.

digital well operations

Reduce risk in the moment

Mitigate your operational risk with ’just-in-time’ information and best practices, for safer, more productive operations. 

Well operations monitor

By connecting your entire value chain in real time and leveraging automated workflows, you can optimize your well operations to help reduce costs, enhance production, and increase your overall return on investment.

A virtual window to your rig site

  • Connected workspace: Connect your stakeholders, to ensure you have what you need when you need it.
  • Efficient collaboration: A virtual worksite that facilitates collaboration with secure access from anywhere, at any time.
  • Remote operations: Reduce onsite resources and travel-time for more productive and cost-effective operations

Automated for success

  • Streamline reporting: Meet partner and regulatory obligations with ease with automated reporting.
  • Top quartile efficiency: Integrated monitoring and reporting with vendors and service providers supports agile and cost-effective resource management.
  • Re-engineer in minutes: As the Live Plan is updated, automated workflows run revised engineering models and update the activity program on the fly to relieve the burden on engineers, while optimizing ROP and maximizing trip time. 

Reduce risk in the moment

  • Minimize unplanned deviations: Detect deviations and critical non-compliance enabling proactive action to maintain safe operations.
  • Just-in-time information: Focus on the challenges at hand by leveraging timely information and relevant best practices to reduce risk.
  • Safer operations: Understand critical elements of well control throughout the operation, ensuring safety.

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