
Committed to corporate social responsibility

Halliburton is strongly committed to corporate social responsibility and global citizenship. Our Code of Business Conduct (COBC) and Human Rights Statement require employees, directors, officers, and all third parties that conduct business with or on behalf of Halliburton to act with fairness and integrity, observing the highest standards of personal and business ethics.

Non-compliance with Halliburton standards, such as unethical business practices, acts of corruption or poor performance, can lead to appropriate response actions up to and including termination.

Supplier Sustainability Principles

Halliburton’s purpose is to help our customers satisfy the world’s need for affordable and reliable energy provided by oil and gas – in a more effective, efficient, safe, and ethical manner – while minimizing environmental and societal impact.

Read principles
A Halliburton employee driving a forklift

Ethical principles

Our COBC and Human Rights Statement guide how we conduct business with the highest levels of integrity and in compliance with the law. We expect suppliers to conduct business in the same manner.

We expect anyone working with Halliburton to follow the same guidance:

  • Avoid even the appearance of unethical or compromising business practices
  • Avoid any agreements that restrain competition
  • Avoid any agreements that restrain resale or pricing on resale
  • Refuse money, cash equivalents, gifts of more than nominal value, excessive hospitality, loans, or other special treatment from present or prospective suppliers that might influence, or appear to influence, business or purchasing decisions
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate

Conflict-free sourcing

Halliburton and its flagship Conflict-Free Smelter Program support responsible sourcing and strive to ensure that purchased products do not contain minerals that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups, including in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or an adjoining country.

Halliburton suppliers are required to:

  • Supply conflict-free materials
  • Furnish information on sources of supply
  • Perform due diligence on sources of materials to ensure for products provided to Halliburton are conflict-free

These requirements support our commitment to the Responsible Minerals Initiative and our compliance with Section 1502 of the United States Dodd-Frank Act.

Warehouse full of equipment
Two Halliburton employees talking

Human rights

Halliburton and its board of directors support universal human rights as defined by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Our customers, suppliers, and employees represent virtually every race, national origin, religion, culture, political philosophy, and language. Diversity is the foundation of our business excellence and embodies Halliburton’s respect for human rights and dignity of all people. Halliburton is committed to protecting and upholding human rights.

Halliburton suppliers are expected to:

  • Treat their employees and contractors with dignity and respect
  • Maintain policies and procedures to safeguard against key human rights issues, including discrimination, child labor, and forced labor
  • Provide safe working conditions, reasonable working hours, and just remuneration
  • Respect freedom of peaceful assembly and association

Anyone with concerns about potential violations of our COBC is encouraged to make a report through our Ethics Helpline, which allows for anonymous reports.

Modern slavery

Halliburton performs due diligence on suppliers concerning slavery and human trafficking in a variety of ways:

  • By communicating our expectations through the Supplier Ethics Letter and Supplier Ethics Statement.
  • By requiring suppliers to contractually commit to protecting and upholding the fundamental human rights of their employees as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • By conducting an annual evaluation of our highest spend suppliers.

In the United Kingdom, our suppliers must complete a questionnaire to verify that adequate controls exist to prevent slavery and human trafficking. Specifically, suppliers must confirm their awareness of the Act and describe the controls in place to comply with the Act within their businesses and their supply chains. Aligned with our commitment to preventing modern slavery, Halliburton is a proud member of the Oil and Gas Trafficking Awareness Group (OGTAG).

Supplier Portal

SAP Ariba Login

Ariba is a supplier collaboration portal which permits collaboration between Halliburton and suppliers.

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Supplier Portal

Halliburton Global Supplier Information Portal

iPortal is a portal for invoice, payment and dynamic discounting management solutions.

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Supplier Portal

Halliburton Supplier Net LogIn

HSN is a supplier collaboration portal that permits collaboration between Halliburton and suppliers.

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