
We design, deliver, and validate sustainable barriers tailored to minimize risk and maximize production

At Halliburton, we are committed to helping our customers reduce their carbon emissions footprint. Reducing fugitive emissions is important to achieve decarbonization goals, because these are a significant contributor to green house gas (GHG) emissions. Fugitive emissions are caused by a failure of one or more well barriers, which then could permit any form of hydrocarbon or aqueous fluid to migrate to the surface via the well’s annulus. The terms sustained casing pressure (SCP) and annular pressure build-up (APB) describe instances where the gas has migrated up the annulus of a well and becomes trapped beneath the wellhead, building up pressure on the backside of the casing. If this pressure build-up becomes too large, it must be vented from the annulus, typically to the atmosphere, to prevent further well integrity issues. SCP impacts around 30% of wells globally. In addition to being a source of GHG emissions, SCP can lead to a loss of production and costly remediation.   

Tailoring barriers to provide effective zonal isolation is key to eliminating fugitive emissions. Our technologies that address this challenge include innovative cement systems, additives, and mechanical barriers. 

IsoBond Cement System
IsoBond Cement System

IsoBond™ Cement System

Prevents sustained casing pressure over the life of the well, which helps improve well integrity and stop fugitive gas emissions from releasing into the environment. The IsoBond Cement System accomplishes this through: 

  • Low fluid loss  

  • Fast transition time 

  • Enhanced shear bond 

  • Reduced cement permeability 


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IsoBond™ Cement System  

Our IsoBond™ Cement System can prevent sustained casing pressure by mitigating gas migration and annular flow. 

IsoGuard™ Cement Additive

Mitigates flow through unset cement to prevent sustained casing pressure by minimizing fluid loss to the formation and shortening the transition time of the cement slurry.

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IsoGuard™ Cement Additive  

IsoGuard™ Cement Additive mitigates flow through unset cement to prevent sustained casing pressure (SCP) by minimizing fluid loss to the formation and shortening the transition time of the cement slurry. 

IsoGuard Cement Additive
IsoGuard Cement Additive
ChannelFix Cement Additive
ChannelFix Cement Additive

ChannelFix™ Cement Additive

Provides controlled swelling in the presence of hydrocarbons or non-aqueous fluids to improve zonal isolation and cement sheath elasticity to minimize the risk of sustained casing pressure. 

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Obex™ Casing Annulus Packers 

The Obex™ family of compression-set packers provide mechanical barrier support for the life of the well. 



Obex™ Family of Compression-Set Packers

By offering a powerful mechanical barrier, Obex packers improve zonal isolation and mitigate sustained casing pressure to avoid failures leading to annular gas migration. 

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Obex Family of Compression-Set Packers
Obex Family of Compression-Set Packers

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