Specific Challenge

Extreme pressure crushes equipment





  • Extreme pressure crushes equipment
  • Tools get stuck in hole, requiring fishing 
  • Cooling equipment for multiple runs


  • Crush-resistant cable saves time and money
  • HSFT-IITM tool and hydraulic jars prevent fishing
  • Insulation protects tool, cooling system saves time


  • TInsulation and cooling system saved time and expense
  • Record temperatures achieved, additional testing planned


While drilling a well in South Louisiana, Armstrong Louisiana, LLC needed a reliable way to gather formation pressure data in very high temperatures and pressures. The company turned to Halliburton to handle the testing in these extreme conditions. Halliburton’s Hostile Sequential Formation Tester, the market’s leading high-temperature wireline formation tester, is rated to handle temperatures reaching 450°F (232°C) for 11 hours at pressures reaching 30,000 psi. Halliburton made three descents down the well, easily handling the 422°F (217°C) well temperature, setting a new industry record for high-temperature pressure testing on wireline. HSFT-IITM tools logged a total of 30 hours of operating time above 400°F (204°C), proving its durability in the field and providing results no other formation tester has matched.


Armstrong Louisiana, LLC needed reliable formation data testing for a high-pressure/high-temperature well in South Louisiana. Temperatures in this well increased approximately 1.5 degrees every 100 feet below the surface. So the deeper the well, the higher the temperature. At 24,000 feet, Armstrong knew temperatures in the well exceeded 400°F and needed a tool that could withstand those temperatures for several hours to complete the logging necessary to conduct these tests. The company also sought a solution that would save time and money. Armstrong turned to Halliburton, who recommended using its HSFT-IITM tool for this job.


Halliburton’s HSFT-IITM tool is the market-leading high-temperature wireline formation tester. This tool is rated 450°F (232°C) and is able to withstand the full temperature for up to 11 hours, and can withstand 400°F (204°C) for up to 24 hours. It is also tested to withstand pressures up to 30,000 psi. The HSFT-II tool is lighter and smaller than most of its competitors’, reducing fishing risks associated with other wireline formation testers. 


The combination of downhole pressure and the pressure from wrapping wireline on a spool can easily crush the cable. Many companies are forced to use a tension-relief system such as a capstan or powered sheave. Halliburton’s unique wireline cable is crush-resistant, enabling it to withstand extreme pressures without crushing conductors inside. A releasable cable head allowed operators to pull to the maximum of the cable’s capacity. This saved hours of rig time and the cost of the extra equipment.