
Maximize perforating flow area in large-ID casing strings

The Halliburton 565-MaxForce-FLOW perforating system provides our highest-performing big-hole solution – whether the application is reducing the pressure drop for sand control completions or maximizing casing removal and flow area for “perforate, wash, and cement (PWC)” abandonment operations. 

For the ultimate assurance, this system is conveyed by the ultra-reliable VannGun® hollow steel carrier (HSC) gun system, which is configured to suit the application – for example, it can be rated for high pressure for deep offshore wells, or for maximum high shot density for high-efficiency plug-and-perf applications. 

Did you know?

The proprietary 565-MaxForce-FLOW shaped charge design maximizes the through hole into the formation, achieving the largest casing hole performance in the Halliburton portfolio.

565-MaxForce-FLOW HMX big-hole shaped charge
565-MaxForce-FLOW HMX big-hole shaped charge

Gun system properties

Gun OD (in.) SPF Phasing Pressure Rating (psi) Tensile Rating (lbs) Nominal Lengths (ft) Charge Post Shot Swell OD (in.)
7 15 60/120° 15,000 720,000 4, 8, 11, 16 565-MaxForce-FLOW, HMX, 56.5 gm 7.306 (fluid)
7 17 60/120° 11,000 720,000 4, 8, 11, 16 565-MaxForce-FLOW, HMX, 56.5 gm 7.176 (fluid)

Charge performance data

Gun OD (in.) SPF Charge Explosive Type, Weight Test Casing (in.) Test Type  Average Hole Diameter (in.) Flow Area (in.2/ft) Penetration (in.)*
7 15 565-MaxForce-FLOW, HMX HMX 56.5 gm 9 (47-ppf L-80 casing) Barrel 1.41 23.42 8
9 (68.2-ppf C-110 casing) Barrel 1.4 23.08 8
7 17 9 (47-ppf L-80 casing) Barrel 1.42 26.92 8

*Quality control (QC) test data


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